Wedding celebration
The brides wedding party was getting ready at one of the future sister in-laws house. The groomâs party was getting ready at the other sisterâs house. The bride was ready, the photographers were there taking photos of her. All of a sudden I heard a very familiar sound. It sounded like belly dancing music coming from outside the house. It was the sound of the "zurna oo dawla" (zurna and drum). The ladies all picked up their "kafeeya" (scarves with palettes, sequins, beads, etc..) and started dancing, waiving the "kefeeya" around. Then the bride and her entourage went outside dancing where the musicians were playing and into the waiting limousine, which took us to the church for the wedding.
Wedding Party
(The Men)
The men carry around a "quta" (stick) that is decorated with beads and palettes or fringe etc.. They waive it around or up and down and some times twirl it like a baton especially when they dance.
Daphne & Nasim's son Talos born May 22, 2003